Zero-state solution
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict; Israeli-Palestine conflict; Israel-Palestinian conflict; Israel-Palestine conflict; Israel-palestine conflict; Struggle over Palestine; Israeli-Palestinian conflicts; Israeli-Palestinian dispute; List of Palestinian militant groups; Israeli-Palestine Conflict; Palestinian conflict; The Conflict in Palestine; Palestinian militancy; Palestinian-Israeli conflict; Israeli-palestine; Struggle for Palestine; Israel palestine conflict; Israel Palestinian conflict; Israel-Palestinian confict; Palestinian-Israeli Conflict; Israeli palestinian conflict; Palestine israel conflict; Palestine-Israel Conflict; Israeli-Palestinian conflict; Palestinian–Israeli conflict; Palestinian - Israeli conflict; Israeli–Palestinian conflict summary; Palestinian Israeli Conflict; The Palestinian-Isreali Conflict; Resistance of the Palestinians; Palestinian-Isreali Conflict; Israel/Palestine; Palestine-Israel conflict; Palestinian Arab militants; Palestinian people's struggle; Palestinian struggle; Palestinians' cause; Zero-state solution; Israel-Palestine Conflict; Palestinian Conflict (disambiguation); Palestine conflict; Palestinian Conflict; Israeli-Palestinian conflict 1948-1992; Israeli Palestinian conflict; Israel-Palestinian conflict (Current); Israeli-Palestinian conflict (Current); Israeli-Palestinian conflict (current); Conflict between Israel and the Palestinians; Palestinian conflict (disambiguation); Israel-Palestine civil war; Israeli–Palestinian Conflict; Israel–Palestine conflict; Israeli-Palestinian conflict summary; Israel Palestine conflict; Israeli–Palestinian War; Israeli Palestinian War; Israeli-Palestinian War; Palestinian–Israeli War; Palestinian Israeli War; Palestinian-Israeli War; Societal attitudes toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; Casualties of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict; Casualties of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; Fatalties during the Israeli–Palestinian conflict; Fatalties during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; Israel vs palestine; No-state solution; Israel vs. Palestine
In the context of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, a zero-state solution, based on a proposal by the (ACPR), assumes that there is no unique Palestinian identity and that the Palestinians in the West Bank should get "restoration of Jordanian citizenship" while Egypt should have responsibility for the Gaza Strip. Israel thus has no reason to agree to assimilate them or provide them with a state, since they were part of those countries until their territory was captured in the 1967 Six-Day War.